Today was just one of those days where I couldn't throw together a post because I was a.) exhausted from finals that I'm still not done with b.) my old ibook laptop, whom I've nicknamed Lazaraus, is on its last legs and I can't use it with out it crashing and I need to save it's life until my new MacBook Pro gets here tomorrow! Finally and most importantly c.) I was too distracted by all the amazing weddings featured on some of my favorite blogs today to come up with my own stuff, so I thought I would share all of the inspirational gorgeousness with you!
A tea party wedding by Mindy Weiss featured on Kiss the Groom
Custom handwriting stamps for your invitations on Peach and Pearl
North Carolina Wedding At Lake Lure Inn by Kristin Vining Photography on Style Me Pretty
Real Wedding Inspiration: Alicia and Joel on Wedding Cabaret
Kaleigh and Jason's Wedding on Vintage Glam Weddings
Lazarus...that's hillarious!