So you love expensive blooms like garden roses or peonies. And you want to create a centerpiece that's not your typical arrangement however you have a limited budget.
What do you think you should do?
No matter what, use them wisely even if that means you don't pack them in. Make a statement with simplicity.
Don't let the price of an expensive bloom persuade you not to use it. I took one bunch of garden roses, 2 succulents, a few strands of honeysuckle and some geranium foliage and made this simple arrangement out of my leftover flowers from a wedding a week ago. Of course, I had a wonderful birch branch that looks great with these flowers and I started out with a very modern and simple container which I found at www.fss.com.
This isn't for DIY brides who have 200 guests. This is a managable project for someone who has a simple wedding that's maybe 70 or 80 guests.

The point is this, you can still make a statement as long as you arrange it with the right accessories and accent pieces. By cutting a large succulent and then putting it next to the vase, I'm extending the arrangement and giving your eye somewhere else to look at.
Building an arrangement with airy greens so that the focal flowers have something to support it with is just good designing.
Total arrangement retails between $125.00 and $140.00.
I LOVE the look of this.