Monday, September 27, 2010

Inspiration Board: Horseshoes & Apples

The leaves on the trees in our yard, neighborhood, around our town and the state of Oregon officially look like fall. So I thought it was time for a fall inspiration board! This one was done by the talented Kathryn of Snippet & Ink, and features an amazing fall color palette with great ideas for a fall wedding. Some people think of fall as a dead time as everything starts to loose its bloom, but another way to think of it is of a celebration of harvest - your love has bloomed and you are celebrating your wedding, aka the harvest of the fruits of your love. (Super corny, I know, but also sentimental, symbolic and true).

Inspiration board via Snippet & Ink


  1. Annie, that was not corny-it was absolutely beautiful. What a wonderful way to think of fall (as if the excuse to buy school supplies, Halloween costumes and apple cider weren't enough)!

  2. A little "snippet" of fall! ;) lovely.

  3. I love fall inspiration boards...this is my favorite time of the year!

  4. I love fall inspired weddings - they are my absolute favorite! The twine tied invitation is amazing!!

  5. Oh this is just lovely fall inspiration! And no, not corny at all...a wonderful way to look at it! There is something special about Fall I must say...maybe that is it :-)


  6. I like the picture about your wedding. And I hope that my this day.


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